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Make Your Web Site Mobile Friendly

Google Chart

Unless you’ve been living under a rock with no Internet access, you’re probably well aware of the prevalence of mobile devices like iPads, iPhones, and Androids. In addition to the increased use of mobile devices, there’s also the change in behavior. More and more people are engaging across multiple access points. Facebook revealed 600 million user...

Posted 11/1/2012 6:39:53 PM

Top 5 Benefits of SEO

1. Affordability Why continually pay large amounts of money for online advertising when, with some up front effort and cost, you can benefit from ranking at the top of organic listings for relevant search terms? Unlike with paid ads, your traffic does not suddenly drop drastically when you discontinue an advertising campaign. Of course you will nee...

Posted By Meghann Kinshella | 11/19/2013 12:54:57 PM

5 Signs You Need A New Website

1. It is old. If your website hasn't been updated in a few years, chances are, you need one. The copyright at the bottom of the webpage should be the same as the present year. If you’re website is really, really old, then it may not even work in some of the newer browsers.   2. Your website is cluttered. Your site, especially your homepage, should ...

Posted By Dwayne McGowan | 1/29/2014 12:47:18 PM

Powerful but Nimble: How Product Backlog Works in Agile Development

What is a product backlog in Agile development and how is it used Have you ever wondered, "What is a product backlog in Agile development and how is it used?" In answering that question, it helps first to understand the core benefit of the process: the Agile method gives you the ability to make fast and powerfully effective course corrections as yo...

Posted By Dwayne McGowan | 4/22/2015 9:43:20 AM

​Apple Watch and Other Wearable Technology: Will It Transform Mobile App Creation?

The Apple Watch has grabbed the most headlines so far, but the new Apple gadget represents just a small drop in a very large tech tidal wave heading our way. According to IDC.com, global wearable shipments will likely hit 112 million units by 2018. What this means for mobile app companies can be summarized in one word: revolution. And, just like it...

Posted By Dwayne McGowan | 4/24/2015 4:55:14 PM

The Building Blocks of Effective Business Website Development

Having an effective website can be a huge revenue booster for any small business. As the web becomes more ingrained in our daily lives, not having a website or having an outdated, ineffective website can have a negative impact on your business. There are a few traits of effective business websites that every business should try to replicate in thei...

Posted By Dwayne McGowan | 6/9/2016 11:06:52 AM

Business Website Development means Fresh Content

Content is engagement. To engage with a customer you draw them into an interesting ongoing relationship, a relationship which keeps them returning to your website on a regular basis. Without dynamic content, your website may be superficially interesting, but it only holds the customer's interest for a limited period of time. Content as engagement m...

Posted By Dwayne McGowan | 6/17/2016 3:02:22 PM

Responsive web design


An Essential Element for your Website With a record number of Americans accessing the internet via a mobile device, it is crucial for any business to develop a website that is responsive, or in other words, mobile-friendly. According to Think with Google, "When a question or need arises, our phones are far and away our most trusted resource, with 9...

Posted By Dwayne McGowan | 8/3/2018 5:37:13 PM